The Fitzgerald House
The Fitzgerald House built in 1902 is a one-and-a-half story, wood frame, transitional Queen Anne-Colonial Revival residence. According to family history, the house was built for Edward Eugene Fitzgerald, who was originally from Michigan, in 1902. A 1904 document on Webster Parish gives Mr. Fitzgerald as the manager of the Minden Lumber Company, an industrial giant about a mile south of downtown which opened in 1902. The plant included a large sawmill, plaining mill, mill pond, steam dry kilns, and stacks upon stacks of processed lumber. According to the 1904 source, the company manufactured 70,000,000 board feet of yellow pine annually and shipped from 300 to 500 cars of lumber per month. The employment at that time was 450. The house was owned and occupied by Fitzgerald family members until December 1998.